Environmental and Planning Law Association of Northern Ireland

January 2024

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EIA Regulations 2017


The Planning (EIA) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2017,  came into operation on 16th May 2017. Ideal for Environmental and Planning professionals, IEMA offer EPLANI members a free place at their next seminar.

Grab a coffee at your breakfast workshop and hear from expert legal, and EIA guest speakers from industry–leading organisations. Andrew Ryan, Head of the Northern Ireland Planning & Environment team at TLT Solicitors, will explore the legal implications of the new EIA Directive and Regulations. Fiona Patterson, Senior Environmental Consultant at ARUP, will discuss how ARUP are assisting clients to progress their projects through the transition period, and Mary Maguire, Principal Consultant of Environment and Planning at AECOM, will review the regulations using the North South Interconnector as a dedicated case study.

Book now via event brite at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/eia-regulations-2017-in-northern-ireland-tickets-38379904327
